Interested in visiting MBYC?
Macassa Bay Yacht Club is a member of Lake Ontario Cruising Club Association (LOCCA) and offers members from other clubs two free nights with additional nights at $25.00 per night permitting availability of slips. Visitor slips are limited to the number of our members away cruising. It is recommended that you send us an email in advance of your visit to If you happen to find yourself near Macassa without a reservation just come on by, we can most likely accommodate you. Deep-water slips (6+ foot draft) are at a great premium so visitors with larger boats should confirm space before heading our way. As you near MBYC, please try to contact our clubhouse at (905) 529-9205 or on VHF channel 68 – although do not be discouraged if no one answers as our clubhouse may be closed, just speak to a member or officer of the day when you arrive. Guests intending to make use of reciprocals should fly their Club Burgee and will be required to produce a current membership card.
Please note that only Regular (full) members of MBYC (blue/white card holders) can take part in this program with reciprocating clubs with whom we are affiliated. Social or associate members of MBYC are not eligible for reciprocal benefits. All reciprocating clubs from previous years are listed below and will remain on the list until withdrawn by that Club in writing or by email. Below is a list of reciprocal clubs. Reciprocal policy information is updated on an ongoing basis as changes occur.
Download the Visitor Registration Form (fillable word doc)
Download the Visitor Registration Form (downloadable PDF)
MBYC Reciprocal List (as of March 2024)
You can download our visitors guide here (Updated June 2023)
MBYC Perpetual Reciprocal Information (updated April 15, 2023)
Invitation letter to yacht clubs wishing reciprocals with MBYC (updated April 2024)
If you have not been assigned a specific slip, pull into the pump out dock and head to the bar.
Enter the harbour between the buoys, it is rocky on the left of the green and shallow to the right of the red.